Saturday, November 6, 2010

Fight Club

Oh me oh my. I'm sitting here watching this movie, looking at brad pitt and ed norton gallavanting around on the screen as two very fun seperate entities. Wishing i could be the friggin mega badass awesome Tyler Durden. When the whole time it turns out that Ed norton and mofuggin brad pitt are the same person! Anyone who says they saw it coming can just go lie to themselves some more but thats a crock of crap and you know it as well as I!


  1. Ed Norton owned Pitt in that movie.

  2. What Adrien said lol

  3. SPOILER...

    But I guess everyone in the world has seen this movie.

  4. believe it or not i actually read the book before i saw the movie

  5. Mindfark? yes. Good movie? Oh shiat no. It's a snuff film for fattie lovers and sadists.

    Followed. I love having people to argue movies with.

  6. What Alpha said, i'm not sure if i agree or not. It's to a degree true, and i say that this is one of my favorite movies, however is it even that good of a movie? I'm not all that sure. Best part for me was all the hints throughout the film that you can only catch after you watch it a few times.
